Burning the midnight oil (8 pm) to ensure children's safety.
PMQ Nature School contacted Mount Bulli after a storm snapped this branch over the children's lunch area.
School staff discovered the hanging branch the day after the storm, and once they contacted Mount Bulli, Joe advised to isolate the area until the team could get there.
By the time the we got there that evening, it was dark.
The school had to be made safe for school the next day, so by the lights of the ute, the team set to work immediately.
Installing the climbing system.
Up up and away.
Only once the branch was secured with a rigging rope (green), was Joe able to begin dismantling the branch.
With the danger removed, the debris was stacked neatly out of the way and the area cordoned off.
The chipper crew were sent back later in the week and to clean up the debris.
And the tree live to grow another day.
If you need help to make your storm damaged tree safe, get our team there ASAP.